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Point of Sale (POS) included Table Ordering System

Imagine you are sitting in a busy restaurant during peak dinner time after queued

40 minutes to get in.

The atmosphere is good, the waiters and waitresses are friendly however everything happens at the same time: new customers walk in, tables have to be cleaned, food is ready to go from kitchen, not mention about the phone is ringing for takeaway order.


The staffs can hardly spend time to come over your table to take order. Suddenly you find out that you can make order with your smart phone.

What a convenient.

Our POS system is easy to use, fully functional with online takeaway orders for customers at home or office, self serve table ordering in the restaurant, not to mention about the amazing low monthly subscription fee.

Benefits for the restaurant:

- Save time 

- Increase efficiency 

- Reduce the communication misunderstanding 

- Options for accepting cash and/or card payment

- Staffs have extra time to serve customer better

- Customer knows what exactly they ordered

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